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God Mazinger, also known as Majin Densetsu is an anime, manga and novel series created by manga artist Go Nagai. The anime aired on Japanese TV from April 15, 1984 to September 30, 1984 in the network Nippon Television with 23 episodes. In the series a young sports enthusiast, Yamato Hino hears voices calling out to him and during a thunderstorm, and he is brought to a parallel world. This world is the Kingdom Mu, under attack by the evil Dorado of the Empire of Dinosaurs. Yamato was summoned from the prayers of queen Aila Mu to pilot a statue known as the God Mazinger. Joining the Mu army's ranks, Yamato fights against Dorado and his army.

Release : April 15, 1984

Total Eps : 23 / 30 minutes

Total Season : 1

Rating : 6.00

See All Seasons


Yoshiko Sakakibara

Yoshiko Sakakibara ( 榊原良子 )

Aira Mu (アイラ・ムー)

Daisuke Gori

Daisuke Gori ( 郷里大輔 )

Deriya (デリヤ)

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Osamu Kato ( 加藤治 )

Dorado (ドラド)

Show Hayami

Show Hayami ( 速水奨 )

Eld (エルド)

Hiroya Ishimaru

Hiroya Ishimaru ( 石丸博也 )

Giron (ギロン)

Shigezo Sasaoka

Shigezo Sasaoka ( 笹岡繁蔵 )

God Mazinger (ゴッドマジンガー)

Hiroshi Takemura

Hiroshi Takemura ( 竹村拓 )

Hino Yamato (火野ヤマト)

Yumi Takada

Yumi Takada ( 高田由美 )

Kaoru (カオル)

Eriko Hara

Eriko Hara ( 原えりこ )

Madoma (マドマ)

Kenyu Horiuchi

Kenyu Horiuchi ( 堀内賢雄 )

Zorba (ゾルバ)

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