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Nazca is an anime series created by Yoshihiko Inamoto. It is about a group of people who are reincarnations of ancient Inca warriors who have returned to re-enact a civil war that resulted in the fall of the Inca Empire. Miura Kyoji, a dedicated kendo student, discovers that his instructor, Tate Masanari, is a reincarnated Inca warrior named Yawaru who wishes to destroy the world to purify it. Kyoji himself is the warrior Bilka, who foiled Yawaru's plans in their previous lives. As Yawaru gathers other awakened spirits to give him ever more power, Kyoji faces conflicting loyalties; he must decide if he is merely a vessel for the reincarnated soul, destined to fulfill a role given to him and destroy a person he liked and respected in order to save the world, or if he is a free individual who can bring Masanari to his senses and break the cycle of rebirth and human possession.

Release : April 06, 1998

Total Eps : 12 / 25 minutes

Total Season : 1

Rating : 3.00

See All Seasons

Compilation / Trailer Video


Kenichi Suzumura

Kenichi Suzumura ( 鈴村健一 )

Kyoji Miura / Bilka

Takehito Koyasu

Takehito Koyasu ( 子安武人 )

Masanari Tate

Manabi Mizuno

Manabi Mizuno ( Manabi Mizuno )

Tatsuko Yanagihara / Elela

Akio Suyama

Akio Suyama ( 陶山章央 )

Shinri Shiogami

Atsushi Kisaichi

Atsushi Kisaichi ( 私市淳 )

Kendo judge

Chinami Nishimura

Chinami Nishimura ( 西村ちなみ )

Rina Asakawa

Daisuke Sakaguchi

Daisuke Sakaguchi ( 阪口大助 )

Keita Seino / Amaro

Kentaro Ito

Kentaro Ito ( 伊藤健太郎 )

Satoshi Kanya / Garos

Megumi Hayashibara

Megumi Hayashibara ( 林原めぐみ )

Yuka Kiritake

Nobuyuki Hiyama

Nobuyuki Hiyama ( 檜山修之 )


Ryuuzaburou Ootomo

Ryuuzaburou Ootomo ( 大友龍三郎 )


Sayuri Yoshida

Sayuri Yoshida ( Sayuri Yoshida )


Toshiyuki Morikawa

Toshiyuki Morikawa ( 森川智之 )


Takeshi Aono

Takeshi Aono ( 青野武 )

Yukinojo Miura

Takehiro Murozono

Takehiro Murozono ( 室園丈裕 )

Takuma Dan

Kohsuke Toriumi

Kohsuke Toriumi ( 鳥海浩輔 )


Reiko Suzuki

Reiko Suzuki ( 鈴木れい子 )

Old Woman B

Kohsuke Toriumi

Kohsuke Toriumi ( 鳥海浩輔 )

Gang member

Photo not found

Chiharu Tezuka ( Chiharu Tezuka )

Female student

Yuji Ueda

Yuji Ueda ( うえだゆうじ )

Hiroshi Daimon

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