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The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a "shin"- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance.

Release : April 07, 2008

Total Eps : 24 / 24 minutes

Total Season : 1

Rating : 3.00

See All Seasons


Daisuke Ono

Daisuke Ono ( 小野大輔 )

Akira Nikaido

Masumi Asano

Masumi Asano ( 浅野真澄 )

Aya Suzuno

Katsuyuki Konishi

Katsuyuki Konishi ( 小西克幸 )


Hiroshi Kamiya

Hiroshi Kamiya ( 神谷浩史 )

Kengo Asamura

Mitsuki Saiga

Mitsuki Saiga ( 斎賀みつき )

Haruka Kujo

Junichi Suwabe

Junichi Suwabe ( 諏訪部順一 )


Wataru Hatano

Wataru Hatano ( 羽多野渉 )

Shuichi Wagatsuma

Ami Koshimizu

Ami Koshimizu ( 小清水亜美 )

Mayu Asamura

Yukari Tamura

Yukari Tamura ( 田村ゆかり )


Hiroyuki Yoshino

Hiroyuki Yoshino ( 吉野裕行 )


Ryotaro Okiayu

Ryotaro Okiayu ( 置鮎龍太郎 )


Hiroshi Naka

Hiroshi Naka ( 中博史 )

Shinnosuke Kujō

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